Corneal Ulcers
The cornea is the clear outer layer of the eye. A corneal ulcer
refers to disruption of the epithelium (surface layer) of the cornea.
Corneal ulcers may be caused by: exposure due to a large eyelid
opening, irritation from eyelashes or an eyelid tumor, trauma to the
eye, inadequate tear production, or other ocular diseases. Once the
cornea is ulcerated, bacteria can multiply in the affected area and
cause the ulcer to become much worse. If treated properly, minor ulcers
often heal without complication. More serious ulcers may cause permanent
scarring of the cornea or even progress until the eye perforates
(ruptures). This is extremely painful and if left untreated, causes loss
of vision and requires removal of the eye.
Some signs of a corneal ulcer include: pain and squinting, redness
of the sclera (white part of the eye), tearing and discharge from the
eye, and an abnormal appearance to the cornea. This abnormal appearance
may include a bluish or white discoloration, blood vessels growing into
the cornea, or a dark brown discoloration from pigment on the cornea.
A veterinarian can detect a corneal ulcer by applying a
fluorescent-green, non-toxic dye to the surface of the cornea. A careful
examination of the eye is necessary to identify the underlying cause of
the ulcer.
Corneal ulcers are treated differently depending on their cause,
severity, and whether or not infection is present. Minor or superficial
ulcers generally heal with topical antibiotics and a medication to
dilate the pupil and relieve pain. Treatment may also include
debridement of the ulcer. This means removal of the outermost layer of
the cornea that is unable to attach to the deeper layers. This is a
minor procedure and is done in the exam room with topical anesthetics
and a cotton swab. More severe ulcers that are in danger of causing
perforation of the eye are generally treated surgically by placing a
graft over the corneal ulcer. These grafts are generally taken either
from the conjunctiva (conjunctival graft or flap) or cornea from a donor
animal. If these more serious ulcers heal successfully, they generally
leave a whitish scar on the cornea, which may interfere with vision in
that eye. It is critical to identify and treat any underlying cause for
the corneal ulcer, or it may worsen or recur.