
Blepharitis (blef-uh-RI-tis) is inflammation that affects the eyelids. Blepharitis usually involves the part of the eyelid where the eyelashes grow.
Blepharitis occurs when tiny oil glands located near the base of the eyelashes malfunction. This leads to inflamed, irritated and itchy eyelids. Several diseases and conditions can cause blepharitis.
Blepharitis is often a chronic condition that is difficult to treat. Blepharitis can be uncomfortable and may be unattractive, but it usually doesn't cause permanent damage to eyesight.


Signs and symptoms of blepharitis include:
  • Watery eyes
  • Red eyes
  • A gritty, burning sensation in the eye
  • Eyelids that appear greasy
  • Itchy eyelids
  • Red, swollen eyelids
  • Flaking of the skin around the eyes
  • Crusted eyelashes upon awakening
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Eyelashes that grow abnormally (misdirected eyelashes)
  • Loss of eyelashes

Blepharitis occurs when tiny oil glands located near the base of the eyelashes malfunction. Blepharitis is often a chronic condition, meaning that it may require long-term care.
Diseases and conditions that can cause blepharitis include:
  • Seborrheic dermatitis — dandruff of the scalp and eyebrows
  • A bacterial infection
  • Malfunctioning oil glands in your eyelid
  • Rosacea — a skin condition characterized by facial redness
  • Allergies, including allergic reactions to eye medications, contact lens solutions or eye makeup
  • Eyelash mites
Blepharitis may be caused by a combination of factors.

Tests and diagnosis

Tests and procedures used to diagnose blepharitis include:
  • Examining your eyelids. Your doctor will carefully examine your eyelids and your eyes. He or she may use a special magnifying instrument during the examination.
  • Swabbing skin for testing. In certain cases, your doctor may use a swab to collect a sample of the oil or crust that forms on your eyelid. This sample can be analyzed for bacteria, fungi or evidence of an allergy. Treatments and drugs
Treatment for blepharitis can include:
  • Cleaning the affected area regularly. Cleaning your eyelids with a warm washcloth can help control signs and symptoms. Self-care measures may be the only treatment necessary for most cases of blepharitis.
  • Antibiotics. Eyedrops containing antibiotics applied to your eyelids may help control blepharitis caused by a bacterial infection. In certain cases, antibiotics are administered in cream, ointment or pill form.
  • Steroids eyedrops or ointments. Eyedrops or ointments containing steroids can help control inflammation in your eyes and your eyelids.
  • Artificial tears. Lubricating eyedrops or artificial tears, which are available over-the-counter, may help relieve dry eyes.
  • Treating underlying conditions. Blepharitis caused by seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea or other diseases may be controlled by treating the underlying disease.Blepharitis rarely disappears completely. Even with successful treatment, relapses are common.